Tuesday 31 July 2018

31st July 2018 My Grandaughter's Birthday Card.

Hi, I have decided, and if any one is interested to set up and expedition to find out where the time goes.  I started the week off with ' x'  ' y ' and 'z ' to get done.....nothing done as per usual. But never mind as everyday is beautiful. I have my lovely granddaughter's birthday card to show you, already six years old and knows everything !  It is a tri-fold card, bought from my local craftshop, Whichcraft, who do some amazing templates for cards.

               I used an already printed image from The Hobby House with hand made roses.                                                              The card stock was from my stash.

                          Loving these oh so pretty printed images. Thank you for stopping by, xx

Thursday 19 July 2018

19th July 2018,My Second Bow Card.

Hello Good Morning,  This is my second attempt at a bow card. I did find it a bit easier to do. I used some hand made Foamiran flowers for the centre.

The edges of the cardstock were distressed with inks and dried gypsophilia was added to the flowers

Pretty die cut doilies were placed between the bows 

Hope you like it, take care x

Wednesday 4 July 2018

4th July 2018,Lots of Pretty Things.

Hi, It is so hot here in the UK, we are so not used to having day after day with this heat. Crafting has been a bit of a no -no at the moment. Here is some of the work that I have done, keeping it fairly simple.

I kind of let the dies do all the work, lots of foliage.

The large flower is made from Foamiran with the edged shaded pale blue with Gelatos

Hope you are all well, thank for taking a peep, xx